Our Staff and COM
Staff and Committee of Management (COM) at the Iramoo Community Centre.
Iramoo Community Centre is an Incorporated Association that is governed by a volunteer Committee of Management. The Committee of Management consist of members made up of community members including representatives of groups using the Centre. The Committee of Management’s job is to provide purpose, leadership and overall strategy. It must ensure there is sound financial management, its operations are legal, and its procedures work.
The Committee of Management has legal authority and responsibility to develop and oversee policies and practices to:
Keep the organisation true to its mission
Responsibly and ethically manage its finances
Safeguard its assets
Operate in the public interest
The Committee of Management meets monthly and new members are welcome. We are especially looking for people with business and/or governance skills who are willing to share that knowledge, but anyone with a willingness to learn and contribute to building and strengthening the Wyndham community will be welcomed. Expressions of interest from potential new Committee of Management members are welcome.
To place an expression of interest in being on the Committee of Management, please call the centre manager on (03) 8742 3688.
Our Staff
A successful community centre needs a dynamic mix of staff that is committed to supporting the community. The programs and services provided need to cater to a variety of ages and abilities, a diverse community and to allow residents to feel Iramoo is a welcoming place, with something for everyone.
For more information, read about our story or our volunteers.